Best 9 months of my Life!!

Rely on whom you trust. 3/23/2020

Good afternoon, it has been an interesting week. Missionaries are quarantined but that is ok nothing will stop the work of the Lord. I just want to leave you all with a little comfort and that is God loves you and He has a plan. There is no need to worry. Who are we told to put our trust in? There is a force that is there to bring us peace and comfort. God does not forsake us. If you have wondered if there is a God, the answer is yes, I know this to be true. You can too, by kneeling and praying and asking God you will know. We may not know the plan, but God has one and he is ready to help us, but we need to be willing to take it. Accept his love and his plan and do the things He has asked us to do.

I love you all and know that there is a plan and know that we will come out of this together and be much stronger as people and those who believe in Him. Keep going strong.🤟🤟

Best 9 months of my life! 3/30/2020

Good morning, how is everyone doing? I hope you all are doing great and ready to have another fun day of quarantine in the books. I have had a blast since this whole thing has happened. I am waiting to see what the Lord has in store for us next, because he will prepare a way out of this, and I know every Okie is praying like they have never prayed before. God has a plan, we all know that, but the real question is are we going to listen to that plan? Are we going to accept that plan? My dear Friends and family I want to let you all know I am accepting the plan that God has in store for me. I am not faltering from what He asks me to do because I know he will provide a way. I never thought though that my mission would be cut short. 😢 I got really sad because the reason is for health issues and I have started to doubt and questioned if I could have prevented this and that it is all my fault that I am going home because I can't stay healthy. THAT IS FALSE! I am a Child of God and all promises He gives to His children are fulfilled, if we do what He says. As it says in Doctrine and Covenants 82:10 "I the Lord am Bound when ye do what I say, but if ye do not what I say ye have no promise." Heavenly Father is bound, He has told us that if we call upon Him in prayer we will be Comforted. Our burdens will be lifted up. I have done so and feel complete comfort. The Lord blesses his children we just need to ask, and we will receive. If there is anyone who is hurting pray and ask, "how can I help them today?" you will be answered, this is supposed to be a selfless act and He has asked us to help those who need help. Please reach out to the panicked people today, tomorrow, this week, and give them peace. The Gospel is the foundation of peace. Jesus Christ, whom we call the Prince of Peace is ready to be there to help you deliver the peace needed to this crazy world. 

This being said I would like to share the peace that I have, I know that this church is true and I know that God has a plan for us and there is nobody that you can trust more than Him. I know God lives and I know that He does not nor will not ever leave us. I know that we have a prophet on this earth that will never lead us astray, yes NEVER. I love you all and I appreciate all that you guys have done for me the support you have given me the prayers, the love, everything. My mission isn't over it is just the beginning of life-long service. I will always serve the Lord, I will do what is right all because Heavenly Father has sent his son, who has won the fight. So, I will continue to go to Him. "Fight, fight, fight for the Lord's side now and forever." My favorite line ever said to me by an Okie. Please I hope you all remember God Loves you and will always love you. Just as that Okie said, "Fight, Fight, Fight for the Lord's side now and forever." We are being blessed as we take care of ourselves love you all.

One more thing, I just want to say that this is difficult times that we live in today. People are hurting and dying and depressed, but what are we going to do about the things that happen in our life. We choose our own actions we choose to be happy we choose to be sad we choose to be panicked. We also choose Him. Remember to choose Him and our burdens will be easier to carry. Heavenly Father is waiting to bless us. He already has blessed us, but He wants to continue to bless us He is our Father. He is our protector and He is our God. I love this gospel and I love Him. If there is one thing, I took away from my mission that is Heavenly Father does not give up on His children despite popular belief. Heavenly Father loves and cares for all of us and He will always be by our side. I love all of you and thank you for being with me through my journey and experiencing the growth of me and my friends and family. I love you all and hope to continue to stay in contact with all of you.🤟🤟🤟🤟


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