I'm Tired!

As a parent we are usually the first ones to hear if there is a complaint or a problem.
My kids tend to voice their opinions frequently to me or anyone that will listen. We have tried different methods to curve their behavior with no victory. We have also taken parenting classes watched love and logic videos, watched our share of the Nanny. Yet we were still coming up short. Our biggest problem was finding a privileged that could be taken away.
Last week I was reading my Sister in-laws blog and she was telling of how she uses bedtime as a privileged. So We have adopted this concept into our daily life and it seems to be making an impact on my kids.
We have a chart with the days of the week and we give our children the opportunity to stay up a half hour after bedtime if they can get through the day without getting their initial written on the chart. However they can also loose hours and get sent to bed early for every initial (besides the first one)they have chosen to go to bed 1/2 hr early (I had to put a 2hr limit other wise some of my kids would be going to bed as soon as they came home from school)
One of the first nights I had a couple of kids going to bed at 6:30
So far none of my kids have made it to staying up the extra 1/2 hour but today might be the day.
They are all making strides and I am seeing results with the fights and back-talk and hopefully we can curve those behaviors before I am wiped out.

What privileges can your kids lose?


Way to go Cindy! I agree some of the hardest things as a mom are the disaplinary things. My kids lose different things pertaining to their age. Kaylee age 9 loves her MP3 player that she saved up for and so that is the first thing that goes. Troy (7)TV gets taken away. Toby (5) computer. Also they get to pay me back for the things that get taken away. I've just started this and it seems to be working. Good Luck with whatever works for you!!
Jon Woodins said…
Glad to assist you! Hopefully things get better at your house. One of the privleges that my kids can earn is Webkins!
Honor said…
we lose electronics here (tv, computer, psp) ... we also do earlier bedtime.

it kind of works some of the time
Sonja said…
oooooh! I love this idea. My kids are always working on a new plan to stall bedtime.

Some privileges my kids hate to lose..... computer time, favorite toys (I put them away for 1-3 days, depending on how bad the offense) and TV.
Deb said…
Working for Child Welfare Services hasn't taught me anything and I think a good ol' whoopin' works everytime. Just Kidding!!!!!!!! Ahhh, what I have to look forward to. Sorry I don't have any help. I just have the Love and Logic, natural consequences, gaining and losing privileges stuff in my head ready to implement but Max needs to grow up a bit first. Keep posting about the bedtime thing and how it works! Good luck!

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