First Day of School
Last Wednesday was filled with firsts...
Andrew had his First day of Kindergarten!
Andrew had his First day of Kindergarten!
(All day Kindergarten)
When I picked the kids up from School he immediately opened his lunch box and chugged down his Juice box and then proceeded to eat his sandwich. I asked him what he ate for Lunch he replied,"My Cheetos!"
The next day he made progress and ate his chips and yo go's.
Today he finally ate most his sandwich and a few other lunch items that were packed in his lunch. I think he is finally getting in the swing of things!
Callie had two weeks of outfits picked out and dated for their appearance.
She is loving 2nd Grade and feeling so grown up!
What a Rock Star!
What happened to my Little Toad?
What a cute little bunch of Kids! Brandon Started Middle School this Year!
6th Grade
I had reservations on sending him to Stewart but when we tried to switch Schools the other Schools we wanted were filled to the rim.
So we gave Brandon the choice of going to Stewart or Home Schooling until we could get him into another School. He didn't want anything to do with his Mother and chose Stewart instead.
Tasha, Started High School!!!!
Watch out Boys!
She is taking sign language this year as well as Choir.
We are Proud Parents of a High School Student!
Kyle also Started School last Wednesday in CO.
He has already made a few friends from his new Ward and a few of them are in some of his classes at School! I am so excited for him!
And yet my heart Strings ache to hold him and Love him!
These pictures were taken on Tuesday last week.
This is Kyle's New Home for the School Year.
Thank You! Kevin and Becky!
Your kids look so cute! Glad to see Brandon doing well.