3 weeks of E-mails

9/9/2019   On an Island...

  Alright I have almost spent 3 months out here in Woodward Oklahoma, it is definitely feeling like I am all alone with my Companion on this super tiny island secluded from all of the other missionaries. We call this are banishment. I have loved it though it has been so much fun and everyone here is getting excited about something. We have about 12 people who we are teaching right now, and 2 of those 12 are getting baptized. I know this is not a number thing for success but I would like to share our numbers with you all. ACTUAL:GOAL, Baptism 0:0 Baptism Date 2:2 @sacrament 6:9 New Friends 3:4. I just want to show you guys just how much Woodward is growing when I first got to Woodward it was flat zeros across the board. I am not saying that things have started happening because I am here, but I am saying is that God has prepared so many people, and they are coming to us. I am so excited that I get to witness Heavenly Fathers work move forward in a rapid fashion. President Russell M. Nelson is correct the time is now gather the flock. It is not just a full-time missionary job, but it is an everybody job. We all need to go gather His flock, and help Him. I have come across this song that I have enjoyed. It is called If you could Hie to Kolob? That is literally amazing, I have asked that question a lot. Can I do it? Is it possible? The answer is yes, BUT we need to call upon the Lord. The Lord is there he wants us to come unto Him. I know that God is there and never moves, do not think you are inadequate. God is watching us and he wants us to strive to become the best we could. This is Christs church and we need to remember that God is merciful and he wants us to succeed we just need to have faith, DO NOT GIVE UP. I love you guys so much. Thank you all for the Love and support I would not be able to do this if I did not know that I had a Fan section. I know that you guys are in my Fan section and I know that Jesus Christ is also in my Fan section. I am going to make it through and we can do it. Love you guys and go help the missionaries and Jesus Christ to gather His sheep. -- Elder Hayward,
Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

9/17/2019   Fall into His Arms...

   Hello everyone, I am just filled with so much Joy right now. This week is my first Baptism, his name is Ken. Ken is so excited he has told everyone who he has ran into that he is getting baptized. Watching Ken grow has just made me smile, Ken has taught me so much. I have noticed a change about Ken and one change I have noticed is that he is like a kid again. I have really come to know how much the gospel makes us joyful, and how we can be like kids again. Not many of you know but I have had some sad stages in my life, where I have not been the happiest. I have been really trying to focus on being happy again, it has been something that I have been praying for. I have been praying that I could be happy again like I was when I was younger. (I have been praying for this for like 6 years.) I have finally felt the happiness that I have felt when I was younger. The way that I have come to feel that is by falling into his arms. Coming on my mission has been the best decision I have ever made, I have had to relearn the Gospel, everything has just made sense and I remembered that even if you fall YOU ARE NOT FALLING, YOU ARE JUST GETTING CAUGHT. If you ever feel alone or if you feel like you will never be able to be happy, just remember that God wants you to come back He is watching and waiting for us to come over that mountain so that he could run to us, He wants to give us everything, he wants to treat us like kings, he does not want us to go on alone he wants us to fall into his arms. I love you all and I feel your prayers so much and thank you for the safety and strength you have given me. -- Elder Hayward,
Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

9/23/2019 Heavenly Father Prepares the Harvest...

 Ken got baptized this week, he was so excited. Ken has literally made my week this week. In Jacob 5:23-24, it says " 23 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard said unto his servant: Look hither; behold I have planted another branch of the tree also; and thou knowest that this spot of ground was poorer than the first. But, behold the tree. I have nourished it this long time, and it hath brought forth much fruit; therefore, gather it, and lay it up against the season, that I may preserve it unto mine own self. 24 And it came to pass that the Lord of the vineyard said again unto his servant: Look hither, and behold another branch also, which I have planted; behold that I have nourished it also, and it hath brought forth fruit." This shows that we really are just helping the Lord harvest all the fruit. The Lord has prepared people and I am just glad to be a part of their journey. I was going through the things that happened this week that I could share with you all, and in sacrament meeting My companion and I sang a song, it was good. When we finished it was funny because everyone just started to clap, and it made my heart just fill up with joy, I have just enjoyed this week because I haven't  felt alone this week. There have been moments, but I have learned something. For those of you who struggle with the thoughts that you are alone or that you are weak, remember this, God has given us dominion over our struggles, the definition for dominion is getting legal authority to do things. God has given us legal authority to combat our trials. If we were to have domination over our trials, we would not grow. We need to enjoy all the trials that are given to us, even if we don't want them, we just need to remember that God gave us the right to have power over it, but we need to be careful that we aren't taking that power to far. Just remember in the next life we will be PERFECT not mediocre. For now, let’s be happy with where we are and continue to grow, because each day we grow one step away from Mediocrity. I love all of you so much, Thank you for all the support and the lovely E-mails. Just remember, The Lord will always be there even when others are not. Thank you for your prayers I can feel all the love you are sending to Northwest Oklahoma. Also, would you guys be willing to pray for someone we are teaching, his name is Boyd, he is having a tough time right now and just needs to feel love, I know that if you do this for him, he will feel it. Talk to you next week. -- Elder Hayward,
Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


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