Remember, Love Yourself

I will get to the subject line a little bit later but right now I would like to share 8 things I have learned so far, some have been repeated from last time.
1. "I am weak!" This is not a negative statement, nor is it saying that I am Physically weak Either but it is Positive, I have learned that by relying on Jesus Christ or others is OK. It is fine if we as humans are incapable of doing things alone life was never meant to be done alone. It is OK to be weak.
2. They are not rejecting me but they are rejecting the gospel. I have come to find out that when people act negatively around the missionaries they are not rejecting us but they are rejecting the Gospel and Jesus Christ.
3.I am a very compassionate person, and when I see people down or sad I tend to be a little sad as well. I have learned that one of my talents is being compassionate to others and wanting people to be happy.
4. The Spirit is stronger when preparation has happened. I have learned that when planning has happened and we walk into a lesson or a house the spirit is much stronger than what it would be if we procrastinated for the end.
5. The Lord desired me to serve a mission, I know that I am doing the right thing and even though I am on my mission I know that Satan is trying me and telling me I don't belong I need to push him away.
6. Here is the Subject Line, The second greatest commandment is love thy neighbor as thyself, you need to love yourself first. I have learned that If you don't love yourself your appreciation for others is at a low setting, If you love yourself your appreciation for others is set high. I have always loved people and I felt like I was struggling trying to let people know how much I love them but I realized that the only way People will know I love them is if I love myself.
7.I am patient Satan is just covering up my talents.
8.I am only tempted with Things I can handle, God will make a way I need to call upon him. God helps us with our challenges we need to call upon him. Go forth and conquer your dragons, for they are mighty but you are mightier. I love you all and I feel your prayers. -- Elder Hayward, Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


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