It was in my Dream..

Callie was getting ready for school and started telling me about a dream she had last night.
She said...
I went out to eat with a boy and I was sixteen and I put on some music and then we kissed.
It was in my dream mom..It was in my dream mom..
(She kept repeating the last part because I was looking at her funny)
Mom I was also sixteen! she exclaimed
She also informed me that the boy had a name... Xander
What a funny girl!
But should I worry that she is already dreaming of kissing boys?


Holly said…
Sounds more like it could have been a mom's nightmare! LOL! I can't wait until my kids start telling me their dreams. My mom and I STILl swap dreams every now and then. My fave: her kids getting eaten by a whale. That's the funniest one, that I remember!

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