Yeah! My kids are Fantasic!
I am very proud of them for their accomplishments this year.

Callie's Teacher (Mrs. Kunz)wrote...

Callie has really worked hard at School to be a better student. She pays more attention, gets her work done & She is better at bringing back her homework. She is turning into a real math Whiz! Callie is always kind to her friends. Keep up the good work Callie!

Cody's Teacher (Mrs. Brewer) Wrote...

Cody always has a positive attitude. He obviously loves School and this is reflected in his behavior each day.

Brandon's Teacher (Mr. Garrett) wrote...
Greatly improved in aspects of behavior. Made it into the homework heroes list. Improved Attitude.

I am so proud of them!


Jon Woodins said…
It is so awesome when you can brag about how other people have been bragging about your kids. I usually just get the bragging rights to the most horrific messes. I am proud of the hard your work your kids are doing. Keep up the good work Mom!
Shawna said…
YEAH for the Haywards. There is nothing better for a stressed out mom than compliments from your children's teachers. Just so you know it is not only there teachers who think you have great kids, I think they are not only deserving of student's of the month but niece and nephews of the month. I loved that they took such great care of Brianna and Ryan when we were there. I always had Cody coming up to me to tell me Callie wouldn't let him hold Brianna, and vice versa.
Congrats as a MOM.
Way to go Haywards, that's so awesome all of the teachers compliments! That's a true reflection of what a great mom they have to raise them that way, oh ya and a great dad too! oops almost forgot that part!

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