One New Friend July 29th 2019

This week has been crazy up and down up and down. First My companion and I have been getting along better. I have learned it is better to look on the bright side rather than the negative side. We taught this guy named Michael and he is really cool this is the first lesson we taught him, one of the funniest things he said though was "I would rather be on my boat fishing thinking about God, than at Church thinking about being on my boat fishing." Hopefully his opinion changes but he is cool and only 29, FINALLY A YOUNG GUY!!!!! Other than that, I have already made my first trip to the doctor’s office. It was fun I am alright but hopefully we can figure out what is wrong. I went on two exchanges this week. Both were so much fun. It was cool to take control for a day. Yesterday our branch President said he would like us to pray for who we can help, I thought that was amazing, this branch is only a couple people away from getting a new building. So, this is huge for this branch. I know God is looking out for me and helping me, yesterday as well we went out to a less active member and we got bashed by her husband. He kept on saying you need to study you need to know. The funniest thing is he was telling us he did his research and everything he found out is true because it was on the internet. He would not let us talk but he kept on saying that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was trying to take us away from Jesus Christ. The whole time he was talking I felt the Spirit was telling me that he cannot shake me I know what is true and it is not what he was saying. It was just eye opening to me to see that Satan really is trying all he can do and that there really are people out there who believe in the things he tells him. It saddens me how true that is. The members are so amazing they feed us so well, but still I haven't really had southern food yet except for a lot of CHICKEN. One member told us "If the chicken isn't fried it is cooked wrong. There needs to be grease with chicken." I found that hilarious. But I know that the Lord is watching out for me and helping me, and I feel all your prayers and thank you for all your support. Keep slaying your DRAGONS, (inside joke) by slaying your dragons God will help you slay them as well. This week I want to work on dominion vs domination, if y'all have any scriptures or help on how to come closer to achieving that, it would be of much help to me, thank you all again and I love you guys. -- Elder Hayward, Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


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