Tiny Miralces, Tiny Sadness

First thing is first, the Tiny Miracle, you know that random caller I talked about last week? well we went over to visit him and he told us that he was ready to be Baptized!!! We discussed about a date, and he said well next Saturday, we were kind of shocked, but we talked him out of it, and we moved it to the 7 of September!!! I am so pumped; he is so ready as well and he knows so much. We also made a lot of amazing contacts this week. Sadness… transfers are happening this week and we were waiting for the call to know who was getting transferred, we got a call close to midnight and the fun has begun as we were listening to who was going where and who was staying, they finally got to Woodward and they said "Elder Hayward you are staying! Elder McWilliams you are going to Ardmore." after they said that I was like no! I was able to create a great relationship with him and now I have to say goodbye. Why do I have to be put through this torture? So now I must take over my first area and I have only been out in the mission field for 6 weeks. Well the Lord believes in me or else he wouldn't have done it, or he wants me to grow. I know that the things that I am looking forward to are as follows:
1. We have 2 baptisms.
2. My new Companion and getting to know him.
3. Creating new friendships
Here is one new thing that I have remembered this week, The Prodigal son, Parable. We may feel like we aren't good enough but when we return Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will run to us and welcome us with open arms. If you are feeling inadequate it is normal, just don't let it take over your thoughts. Satan will cover your strengths with a blanket, that is why we are told constantly to continue to improve our strengths, it really means keep our strengths uncovered because it is harder to uncover something that has been covered longer rather than just starting to get covered. I love you all and thank you so much for all your prayers. -- Elder Hayward, Missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints


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