Gifts! Love Them!

I was complaining to my Sister that I can never find any cute bows and don't even know where to start to make my own.
I guess she was feeling sorry for me because today I received a package.

Shawna and my Mom filled it with coupons, M&M banks, Chocolate and...
I love them!
In fact I will most likely be sporting a couple of these tomorrow.
Callie has already picked out the red,pink and white ones for tomorrow I sure hope we can find a dress to go with them. lol.
Thank You! Shawna and Mom!


Teri said…
Those are such cute bows, we need to get together and figure out how to make those because I want some for Payton, she will be getting more hair hopefully sooner then later.
Anonymous said…
That is so sweet. Those bows are adorable!
Shawna said…
You are welcome. Some of the bows are the first ones I ever made and was not too impressed with. So I will make you some cuter ones I promise, but I want them to match Callie's favorite clothes, so send me a pic of her favorite outfit and I will make bows to match it.
Julie said…
That is so awesome that two out of three of the girls in your household have made mention love the hairbows. So I want you to ask Tasha what hairbows she picked out to wear to school on Monday? If she rolls her eyes you tell her that she offended Shawna and when she visits she will not be allowed to go to Shawna's Mansion she will have to hang out with Julie at the shack on Elizabeth.
Cindy said…
Tasha wore the red ones today!
Jon Woodins said…
Can I complain and get a bunch of hairbows for my little princess? Or do I have to live in seattle? J/K! Shawna Made some cute cute ones for Erica for Christmas. I love them! But the hot pink is a bit to juvinile for me to wear. I get the strangest looks when I do. LOL.
Anonymous said…
Wow, you have a nice sister. lol

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