Just Nothing

I was trying to decide what to do Today... Clean, exercise, waste time on the computer, spend time with Andrew.
And as I was wasting time on the computer I realized it was do Nothing Day! Yea! Now I can do nothing and not feel guilty. I am just keeping this day alive.
This being said I am only human so I did run a little today and I will most likely pick up around the house, and of course I will spend time with Andrew because at this moment he is trying to make his own peanut butter sandwich because his mother is blogging and ignoring him.
Have a great day doing nothing!


Julie said…
Do nothing day is awesome. Jim came home early today and typically knows better then to ask, "What did you do today?" He was safe from ridicule since I had a list of things I had done and the house was clean. I wish I would of read your blog before making dinner and bathing the kids and so forth.
Shawna said…
Your posts make me smile. Love your favorite sister and your only sister who sends you surprises.
Jon Woodins said…
Every day is do nothing day at my house. It is the do something days that I always ignore.
Sonja said…
Nothing day sounds awesome!

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