Tasha's Story

The Fair
Today was my first time going to a fair. There was me, my family and my best friend violet. Violet has been my best friend since preschool. We've had our quarrels but that's how friends are, nobodies perfect.
"Are we there yet?" asked my younger sister Sally. "
10 more minutes!" my father replied, too unpatient to say anymore.
3 long minutes past as we sat quietly, looking out for any signs that the fair was here.
"Fair ...5 miles" studdered Derick as he read the sign.
"Yay!" we all cheered happily.
The next 5 minutes past. We were 2 miles away! Andy and Cameron, twins, were sound asleep. Derick, was playing his video games, Violet and I were whispering about random things that happened in school. And Mom and Dad were laughing at all the different activities hapening in the van.
"We're there!" dad exclaimed, just excited that he can finally stop driving.
"Aubrey can you wake up the twins?"Mom asked with a demanding voice.
"I guess" I answered not really having a choice.
As we got to the fair gates, we all started jumping around.
"Calm down!" yelled Dad.
"Sorry" we said in unison.
we were all so eagor to get in thatwhen they finally let us in we all ran in, pushing Derick down and tripping over Sally of course,but fortunately we all got in safely and not harmed. Then Sally decided to tell us a story.
"Once upon a time 6 kids and thier mommy and daddy came to a fair. They had fun." Sally said smiling after her great story.
"That's my 5-year old sister" I said giggling. Everyone else laughed with me.

To be continued...


Shawna said…
Did they meet any princesses at the fair? Cause' if not I will feel ripped off. Actually I am very impressed with Tasha's vocabulary and writing style. You have a budding author on yur hands.
Jon Woodins said…
I want to go to the fair now. Tashas writing abilities are awesome. She moves the story quickly but with fun details. Good job. I can't wait to find out what happens at the fair. I think Aubry and Violet will meet boys or get lost in the fun house at the fair and be transported back in time and then meet a princess.

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