penny pincher

I love Coupons and at times I love Albertson's Sales
This week they brought my two loves together great sales and great coupons.
I was able to buy all this for $6.60 (44 items total)
My best Shopping trip ever!


Shawna said…
You are amazing!
Julie said…
This is totally an inside joke so nobody but you will understand it. But if I give you a dollar plus $6.60 will you go to albertsons for me? lol.
Oh my heck! I am amazed! I really don't even see how it was possible you got all that for that price.
Jon Woodins said…
Take a BOW Cindy! Yes you have won the penny pinching award for the day-maybe the year! I think I spent about $130.00 on groceries yesterday and I am not sure I had even 40 items! Keep Shopping and saving, or spending. which ever comes easiest!
Sonja said…
WOW!! That is one heck of haul woman! I need to get back to clipping coupons. So teach us the tricks! Do you pick these coupon books up, do you get them in the mail, or the newspaper? Spill it :)

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