Yes! we made ice cream however we started a little late and the ice cream did not get done until 11:00 p.m. and yes it was delicious. We made orange coconut chocolate chip ice cream Yum!
My last trip to Albertson's turned out to be the best! Yes, I know you are sick of me posting about shopping but I had a few of you ask.. How I do it? I ended up spending $1.77 for what you see in the picture. You ask how? Albertson's Ad had two double coupon certificates in their ad where they would double up to 3 manufacture coupons per certificate. There are a few sites I continuously go to print off coupons they are... Betty Crocker Coupon Cat Pillsbury Albertson's had a sale when you bought $30 worth of certain items you would get 3 $5 dollar coupons for your next purchase. I grouped all my coupons together to try to get the best deal I could. The first time I purchased it actually cost me $17 something but I had $15 for a next purchase. The trick was to get 6 $1 coupons which equaled $12 +$15=$27 ....out of pocket=$3 and then 3 more $5 coupons would print out and you beg your neighbor friends or anyone you can for more double coupons and go back I pretty much lived ...
Yesterday we had the Opportunity to meet the Author of FableHaven and CandyShop Wars Brandon Mull. When he got there he answered questions and was very personable. Then he started signing books and individually answered questions. He also had a few questions for us. He also signed posters for all the kids. (I have no idea what were going to do with 6 posters) (Maybe with the underlining message my kids will enjoy reading) The line was longer than we expected but we were there pretty early and had a chance to be 4th or 5th in line. (if my kids would have just got in line while I was taking kids potty) (I'm glad we got there when we did) Overall a great family (education) moment. (Yes, Mom I got your copy signed as well)
This past year has been a blessing I am so grateful for the opportunity to Stay at home and take care of the important things in life...My Family. When I was working I would forget the little moments. We hardly had Family Home Evening, rarely sat together for Dinner and if words were exchanged they were usually loud and not necessary let alone read scriptures together. But since quitting my job we eat as a family, (we have also adopted a game while we eat called telephone which Andrew insists we play every night). FHE is also a must even if all we do is go around telling everyone what our business for the week is (little steps). And we have started reading scriptures together which is the reason for this post. We were reading the other night and during Brandon's turn (1 Nephi 3 :7) he started to sing. Which I thought was brilliant! (Dad on the other hand didn't quit see the humor) But that night reminded me of all my blessings and how easily life can get in the way and take tho...