Happy Birthday Andrew!

Andrew is 4 years old today. 4 things I love about Andrew...

  1. Andrew loves and cares about his family
  2. He can put a smile on your face even when you are trying to be serious
  3. He reminds us of what's important in life
  4. Andrew loves to help his brothers and sisters with there chores.

4 cute sayings...

  1. Dad: don't wiggle in my bed! Andrew: I wiggle in my bed?!
  2. Mom you are my wen (friend)
  3. This is my hooker (the end of an umbrella, a hanger, anything with a hook)o.k. we try not to encourage this one.
  4. my legs are broken

His favorite Color is yellow and his favorite animal is a chicken.

The other night he said family prayer by himself without any help. It was the sweetest prayer ever. He blessed the walls the windows, mirrors and a few other items. Let's just say we are very proud of our little boy.


Julie said…
The best thing about Andrew is when he was little and would throw a fit it was silent. When a fit is involved there is nothing better then Andrew laying on the floor pounding his fist and feet in silence. What a cutie. We sure love you Andrew. Happy Birthday!!!!
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday to Andrew! That was a cute post you did for him. Where in the world do you get all your energy? I love the picnic with bears idea and your sugar cookies look so very yummy. Have a great day!
KatherineWoodin said…
I hope Andrew had a great day and enjoys his video

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