Crazy Week!

This last week has gone by so fast.
If it wasn't for pictures I would have a hard time remembering what happened this week.
we had a few school functions that happened this week.
Tuesday Stewart had a library night.
Wednesday Fawcett had a math night complete with hotdog dinner.
Friday Stewart(middle school) honored the students who had a 100% turned in homework. And they let them leave school 30min. early if their parents were there.
Yea for Tasha!! Boo for Kyle!!(hopefully he will get the message and work harder from now on)
And of course I forgot my camera on the first two occasions. And Tasha ran away from her parents on the third occasion.(can you believe that she expected us to take her home when she wanted nothing to do with us just moments earlier.)
I made 6 Family Home Evening packets for an exchange that happened on Thursday.
And I saw these cupcake pops on Bakerella and had to give it a try.
Mine aren't as cute but o.k. for my first attempt. I sent these to the FHE exchange, and I hope they enjoyed.

Friday was Crazy Hair Day!!
What do you think ? Crazy enough?

Cody added leaves to complete the craziness.
This was also the last four performances this past week.
Which is bittersweet thrilled that we have more time to fill with craziness. And saddened that the play is over. Having all but two of the kids in the play and doing this as a family is something that I will hold in my mind and heart forever.

A picture of the Cratchits.
(can you find Cody?)

This week I am hoping to clean this neglected home.
And finish the Pinata we started yesterday.
Have a great week!!!


Jon Woodins said…
UMMM... Brandon's Hair look's Like Edward Cullen in twilight. Was that on pourpose? He is very GOOD LOOKING! all the teenage girls should be screaming! Tasha... No You Should NOT be screaming. HEE HEE good luck with the rest of the play and your pinata.
Shawna said…
I clicked to comment on Brandon's vampire hair as well but monica beat me to it. It was good that she did cause' I have never read the book nor have I seen the movie, so I wouldn't have known the guys name, but he looks just like him. Anyway I checked your blog like every three hours to see if you updated it and I was dissappointed for like 4 days. DON"T EVER DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!

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