Halloween Pictures

Yesterday was crazy!!!
I had to finish shopping for the party, buy candy and a few Birthday Presents.
We cleaned and cooked and then got dressed.
Aren't we cute?

We all had fun!
Tasha had around 8 girls show up and they had a blast!
Some of the cool food we had...Mummies (smokies wrapped in dough)
eyeballs (doughnut holes)
snake filled jello
popcorn balls with candy corn
just to name a few
I took the kids Trick-or-Treating but next time I will send Sam because Tasha had no clue what to do and Sam has no clue what to do with 8 girls.
We got back with our goodies and they hadn't even played any of the games that we had planned.
But I guess girls just want to chat!
They had allot of fun and that is what counts.

Kyle went with a friend to trunk-or-treat and we just went around the neighborhood.
Which was a good thing because half way down our street Andrew was crying that he was done. So we dropped him off at home, and went back out for more candy!
Callie was pretty funny after each house she would pick out the candy and yell look mom this is my favorite!
I am so glad that we made it through this holiday now on to Thanksgiving.
(plus 2 Birthdays)


KatherineWoodin said…
I love the costumes. I can't wait to come steal the pictures. See ya soon.
Jana said…
Your kids all look so dang cute. It sounds like you all had a tun of fun. love all the costumes.
Anonymous said…
Love all the costumes. You look extra awesome! You are a great Mom sounds like you made everything superdy duperdy FUN!
Jon Woodins said…
I am just wondering What Andrew is suppose to be? And I love Mr Incredible- Brandon you look awesome!-DO you work out?

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