Lets burst out into song!

This past year has been a blessing I am so grateful for the opportunity to Stay at home and take care of the important things in life...My Family. When I was working I would forget the little moments. We hardly had Family Home Evening, rarely sat together for Dinner and if words were exchanged they were usually loud and not necessary let alone read scriptures together. But since quitting my job we eat as a family, (we have also adopted a game while we eat called telephone which Andrew insists we play every night). FHE is also a must even if all we do is go around telling everyone what our business for the week is (little steps). And we have started reading scriptures together which is the reason for this post. We were reading the other night and during Brandon's turn (1 Nephi 3 :7) he started to sing. Which I thought was brilliant! (Dad on the other hand didn't quit see the humor) But that night reminded me of all my blessings and how easily life can get in the way and take those simple moments away.
I truley love my Family and wish that I took more time on those sweet moments.


Jon Woodins said…
cute cute family picture. Who took it? Mom? Anyway my kids are running around singing the articles of faith. I am so glad that primary is teaching my kids things that I have a hard time making time for. Keep up those baby steps because your baby's are only babies once. You only get one chance to teach them. And they are paying attentions even when you think they never listen.
KatherineWoodin said…
It is the little things that make the big things happen. Keep working at it it does pay off.
I love love that family picture! I really like this post. Even being a stay at home mom it is somtimes easy to forget the important things. I am always so busy just trying to keep the house clean I don't always remember that teaching my kids and enjoying them are more important than a clean house!
Honor said…
don't you wish life were just a musical? that would be great!!!
Julie said…
So I'm with Sam. I don't see the humor in Brandon singing either. I've heard Brandon sing. lol. Just kidding I don't know how Brandon sings. I just thought that would be funny to say, so let me know if it came across funny or rude. I'm with ya on the little things. I started writing a journal for all the kids 2 weeks ago, and even in the few passages I've written I've noticed how it is easier to remember the "Brandon singing the scripture moments" by taking 20 minutes to write it down.
Shawna said…
that is a great picture cause' even if some family members aren't smiling their frowns will be turned upside down in their reflections. Marshall said you can come spend the holidays with us this year, so get on it okay. Wouldn't that make mom happy, hahaha

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