Sweetheart Tag

I've been tagged...By my sweet sister Shawna

What is your husbands name? Samuel Kent Hayward

How long have you guys been married? 14 years 8 months

How long did you date? about a month ... with a 6month engagement (long distance).

How old is he?40 (oh! Man he's old)(6yrs older than me)

Who is taller?He is... but are legs are close to the same length.

Who can sing best? shouldn't this say... Who can sing better? lol. That would be me. That's all I have to say about that.

Who is smarter?This is a terrible question! Because we are both smart in different ways...O.k. I'm just blowing smoke he is definitely SMARTER.

Who does laundry? I do since he can't even find the hamper.

Who pays the bills?Neither... We don't believe in paying back our debt. lol!Just Kidding, He does.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? He does... Does this secretly mean he is always right? Because I will take over his side if that's the case.

Who mows the lawn? this is a hard question to answer because we have Kyle mow. But I would have to say between the two of us we equally share this activity.

Who cooks dinner? I cook during the week and he will cook on the weekends for us.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Me!!! Sam has told me on several occasions that he never does anything wrong therefore he never has to apologize. However he has apologized to me a few times. I however apologize before I have done something wrong. lol

Who kissed who first?He did... During Conference we were sitting in the Chapel and he leaned over and kissed my forehead. He defiantly made the first moves. oohh lala!

Who wears the pants? I do he mostly wears shorts. lol He is defiantly the Man of the House and we like it that way.

I am now supposed to tag 6 of my fellow bloggers but I have decided to tag you all!! I know 90% of you will laugh and say yea right or you have been nominated by someone else. But at least take a moment and ponder on your Husband they are worth it!!

Also what is the sweetest memory that you have of your Husband? If you want to know mine come over to my comments.


Cindy said…
My sweetest moment is when we were engaged a few days from getting Married and having those pre-jitters I kept bugging him about how he knew I was the one. He kept saying I just know. Well that wasn't good enough and I kept pestering. He parked the car in a church parking lot looked me in the eye and started to cry as he explained how the spirit had spoken to him. I have never questioned him again about his love for me.
Shawna said…
This is going to sound weird, but one of my sweetest memories of Marshall was when he was waking up from anesthesia after he had surgery to fix his broken hand. He was so un-inhibited and really sweet. He was telling me how much he loved me and that I was really sweet, but it was especially cute because he spoke so slow and drawn out. I know I am a weirdo.
Anyway Cindy you don't have to worry about Halloween costumes next year you can just dress up as the Christman Carol, and if Sam doesn't dress up people will know he is Scrooge.
Jon Woodins said…
My sweetest moment with Jon was when He as on the other side of the world. He sent me a letter that I keep in my jewlery box. It is the best letter. I don't think he even knows how much it means to me but because of it I know how much I mean to him.
Anonymous said…
My sweetest memory with J.D. was once I had been working all day and it was a Long day. When I got home he was all dressed op and had a candlelight dinner with dominos pizza and roses. I LOVED IT! I also love the memories with J.D. that involves the little stuff you mentioned in the other post. When he is playing so cute with the baby. Or rocking one to sleep when they are sick or playing ball with them in the back yard.

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