Ask a Stupid Question Day

I can not pass this holiday up. My kids are always asking the most compelling questions when the answer is right there. And then I think Do they really not know or are they messing with me? (Because they like it, when I go kung fu panda on them.)
But today is my turn to ask the questions.
spongebob squarepants
Question...Why his he so popular with kids?
(I personally can't stand him)

Question...Where are your shoes?
Now this is a question we asked Brandon after we noticed he had no shoes on at Scouts.
And yes we should have known they where at home.

Question...Have you combed your hair?
O.k. usually I know they didn't comb their hair and I know I should not ask the question because they just return with a stupid answer like...

These next questions you think I would learn not to ask but it never fails everyday I ask...
Question...Do you have homework?
Answer... No
Reality... Yes...But if I tell you you will make me do it.

Question...Are you done with your homework?
Answer... Yes for the same reason as above answer.

Question...Did You clean your room?
Reality...You can't even walk through the doorway

And yes there are many many more Stupid questions
so take a moment and write down one of your favorite questions that you have either heard or said yourself.
And don't forget to enjoy this beautiful day.
My last stupid question of this post is...
Are you going to leave a comment?


KatherineWoodin said…
My question are we there yet?
Anonymous said…
SO VERY FUNNY! Love this post and totally have the same stupid question moments daily at our house. My favorite was the no shoes at scouts. For FHE tonight we went to the Ice cream shop and noticed Britton had no shoes. When we asked why he said I couldn't find them. He has 4 pairs (NO KIDDING) and he can't find one! CRAZY. My favorite stupid question I always ask as they are smiling at me with gunk in their teeth is did you brush? They reply I think so.
Anonymous said…
You mean your kids aren't always 100% honest? lol
Jon Woodins said…
Questions I ask Hunter which he never responds to:
Do you need your diaper changed?
Do you need your nose wiped?
Do you need a bottle?
Do you need a nap?
His answer should be yes to all above questions instead he just cries at my stupid questions.

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