Feeling Crafty

Yesterday I was blog Stalking and stumbled upon a gem of a site. (I will not direct you over to her site since I personally don't know her) Her last post was how to make decorations sparkle. I was hooked so I jumped into my van and we were off on a crafty spree. While walking through Micheal's I had picked up some glitter, glue, and skulls. But I wasn't satisfied with just skulls so I went to our closest Dollar store and picked up some pumpkins, a skeleton and bones. I had a ton of fun and think I might go back for more pumpkins and a different color orange. I also gave my daughter and two of her friends free range with the glue and glitter. Do I need say more? I have glitter everywhere!!

The pumpkins and skulls where pretty easy however the skeleton
took a little extra effort.

And the final product.


{Erica} said…
Thanks for stopping by my blog. That skeleton ROCKS!! Feel free to stop by the old blog when ever you have the urge...it's always fun to meet new people in the blogging world. :)
Shawna said…
Maybe I should use this little glitter trick to jazz up the instructional skeleton at the clinic! Somehow I don't think that would be appreciated. Anyway your decorations are so stinkin' cute and I bet you had a ton of fun.
Jon Woodins said…
so so so cute! Good luck on deglitterizing your house!
Anonymous said…
I am so impressed those are awesome. Your little setting looks so cool You are a great decorater. I want to make those so fun and so cute!
KatherineWoodin said…
My my my where did you learn to be so creative. Love ya lots

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