Eat your vegetables day

Eat Your Vegetables Day
June 17th
Strategically created in the middle of National Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Month, this day is the perfect opportunity to re-introduce a healthy portion of vegetables into your diet. No doubt about it, Eat Your Vegetables Day was created to promote a more heallthy diet.......for life!
On this day, you are encouraged to eat vegetables for every meal, and for a snack. Better still, try to be a vegetarian....for the day. Short of that, any additonal vegetables at meal time today will honor the event, as well as make you a little healthier.
We encourage parents to let the kids help with dinner, preparing the salad and vegetables. Along the way, you tell your kids a little about the importance of vegetables for a long and healthy life.

Now really is this how your suppose to eat corn?

Just a quick reminder about national Picnic Day tomorrow.

I am taking my kids on a picnic Lunch tomorrow if anyone out there wants to join us just give me a call.


Julie said…
Callie I think you are spending too much time playing with your food instead of eating it. Aren't you too old to playing with your food Callie? If I was you I would of thrown it at Kyle my guess is he deserves it. lol. Kyle I'm just mad because I wanted you to come to idaho and spend time with us so be aware that next time I see you I'm going to throw corn at you.

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