Pink Day

So for Dinner we had breakfast pink eggs and pancakes the kids wanted me to color the bacon pink but come on it was all I could do to eat pink eggs.
This morning when I told the girls to find something pink to wear Andrew threw up his arms and said I don't have anything pink to wear but we settled on a red shirt . Andrew also thinks that because today was pink day that tomorrow is yellow day his favorite color.


Honor said…
how did you get the eggs to look pink and not orange? (Teri had her baby, by the way)
Julie said…
Wow you are even more awesome then I thought. First because you made breakfast and then you made it pink. Your kids have a cool mom. Tell them aunt Julie thinks they are pretty lucky to have a fun mom. If they were at my house today they would have had cereal and would of only known it was pink day from your blog. I'm going to start being cool like you. If we were still in high school for moms you would totally be MRS. popular captain of the cheer squad/ homecoming queen ect...

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