Random Thoughts...

Do you ever have that recurring nightmare that you are going through your day in just your UNDERWEAR? Well today I took the kids to school and I couldn't shake the feeling that I was missing something (no, not my pants) I went down my checkoff list in my head.
  1. get dressed
  2. shoes and socks (somehow this is totally different than getting dressed)
  3. brush hair (run a comb through it as I'm running out the door)
  4. make sure I had all the kids (Brandon..Cody..Callie..Andrew)
  5. purse and keys (I couldn't be driving without keys and my purse is down by my side)
  6. door locked (I might have to swing back around just to make sure)
I couldn't think of anything that I was missing.
(o.k. breakfast it was a crazy morning)
And as I am typing I still feel that I have forgot something.
Oh, the recurring no pant's nightmare when will they ever end?


Anonymous said…
You are so funny. I hope you don't forget your pants EVER. That would be so embarrassing.LOL I know what you mean though. I always feel like I'm forgetting something and do the same checklist with myself.
The peanut butter candy looks so yummy and your kids look so cute in those pictures. Man they grow fast.
Becky said…
Are you sure you had your pants on?
Jon Woodins said…
My nightmare is now that I'm at school I can't find the right classroom as my clothes are disappering and I'm trying to figure out babysitters for my kids. and how in the world did I end up in Highschool with no clothes and 5 kids. I was a good girl. somewhere I must have got married -Oh yah I did. To Jonny- this must be a dream. Well now at least I am comfortable streaking in the halls of my highschool While I am at it I just might go and tell a few people off. Which I did in dream the other night only it was the Elemantary school and I was telling off Stiles teacher for sending home dumb homework. Okay this is too much info. Laugh at my expense please.
Sonja said…
haha, I've had dreams like that :D Always funny... but sort of makes me look at myself twice before leaving the house.
How crazy is that thinking you aren't fully dressed then finding out you are but still having that same feeling, done that with my bra a few times! NOT fun! Anyways how cute is your family!! I love all the ideas and fun positive things you do with your kids!
"When I grow up I want to be just like you!! Love Wendy

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