Company Party (small company party)

Yesterday we kept pretty busy.
Our day started with Christmas Carol rehearsal from 9a.m.- 12noon
and then it was a quick rush home to freshen up and a stop at the grocery store.
Equipped with lunch (chicken and Jojo's)
and our snacks we head over to Sam's Boss's home for a little party.
He as a great theater set up complete with a huge screen, projector and surround sound.
They had activities for the kids and the Adults were going to watch all three Bourne movies.
Which they attempted but between getting started late, Dinner and all the chatting that went on they only had time for 1 and half of the second one.
The kids had a great time playing ping pong, twister, board games and watching movies.
They made new friends with the other kids and were actually on there best behavior.
I too had allot of fun!

Now I just have to figure out how we can afford our own movie
Sam was in Love


Jon Woodins said…
Sounds like a blast. and I'm with you. I Would love a home theater with all the trimmings and trappings. But it will have to wait to be a priority until later in life. Soo Glad your kids were well behaved. It makes you feel like you are a good parent when they behave every once in a while.
I love it when the adults can get together and the kids have a blast also! That's great that you have a boss that is fun bonus! So i always love looking at your blog i feel that i know you and your family more and more! thanks! have fun.

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