Halloween Party anyone?

We tell our kids that when they turn 12 it will be their last year for trick or treating. We then explain that they may turn to other treats like having a Halloween party or dressing up and passing out candy. So this year Tasha is 13 and asked for a Halloween party I am actually excited to throw one however she wants to invite boys and girls and I have a slight issue... In one way I think that it could be considered a date... and another I think get a grip she is thirteen.
And then again I am kind of re-considering the whole trick or treating deal. (All her friends are going) So take a moment and treat me with your feelings on the matter.
Plus don't forget to answer the poll.


Honor said…
my personal opinion is that they aren't allowed to go to church dances until they're 14, and that is like a huge boy/girl party ... so I am going to make Brielle wait until she's 14 to go to parties like that. (she'll probably hate me for it too) ... But I also think it's a little old to be trick or treating ... I don't know what she should do ... too bad our ward doesn't have a ward halloween party.
Jon Woodins said…
I went to one when I was 14 and believe me it was so stupid because of course the Boys are really not interested in the girls and would rather do dumb boy things and the girls have high expectations that the boys will be interested in them. Anyway Long story short I realized the boy I had a crush on was a real idiot. So it was good for me. in a weird way it made me see how inmature boys were at 13 years old. I guess that's why when I was 14 at the teen dances I met my 2 years older than me boyfriend, (for then next 4 years) I guess I'm not helping much am I. So I guess I agree with honor. Make her wait till she is 14. Have her go with a bunch of girls to a spook ally or corn maze or something like that.
Julie said…
Every time I talk to you Cindy I reconsider wishing the diaper days away. It seems like Parenting starts to get tricky the older they get. I really don't have any advice except for I was once 13 and I feel bad for you. My day will come when Natalie is 13 and Tasha is married and you will just laugh at me. On sunday we asked the beehive girls to come up with some topics for firesides. The first and only topic they were interested in is for the bishop to explain what dating is and for him to clarify that it was okay to go to the movies with boys as a group. Trust me I'm interested to see how this fireside will play out. Hey good luck.
Anonymous said…
Alyssa went to a boy girl party when we first moved here. It was at one of the neatest most spiritual families in our ward. They had pie eating contest and pin the tail games stuff younger kids would do big kid style. She had a ball. However this year a boy ask her to a dance and I DID NOT LET HER GO. Not even by herself. So I don't know what I think about the party. I'm kinda inbetween depending on the situation.
Letting her go trick or treating with friends one more year would be my vote. You save MONEY and she is happy.

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